In this unique Israeli comedy, follow the life of a real-life famed comedian who has lost his job hosting a prime time TV show after 12 seasons. Unemployed and with 7 kids at home, he can just never get a minute to himself, no matter how hard he tries! Through 60-second scenes, timed by a small clock in the corner, each episode describes the comical and dramatic twists that this new lifestyle takes him on. Each scene will cut at the moment that the timer runs out - even if it is in the middle of a sentence or word. From auditioning for new parts on TV to navigating the new role he has at home, as the episode goes on, the laughs will escalate by the minute.
Refreshing the “real-life” comedy genre, My Life in 60 Seconds offers comedians and actors a “ready-made” format to tell their own stories in a new way. With laugh-out-loud moments and awkward situations that are inspired by everyday events, viewers everywhere will relate to the humor of our day-to-day lives.
Genre: Scripted Drama
Episodes: 18 x 30 mins
Broadcaster: Reshet, Israel
Production: Tedy Productions
Finished Series
Reshet 18 x 30 mins, 2 seasons (Hebrew)